
Friday May 10, 2024
124: It's Not Our Fault (Pro vs. Amateur + Responsibility)
Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
On episode one hundred and twenty four, Matt is on the bus en route to Daytona, Florida to perform at a festival and Tim shares a convicting thought he was chewing on earlier in the day. The guys talk about the difference between an amateur and a pro, and compile a list of differentiators. Finally, they chip off a tip of the iceberg with the topic of “you make your life what it is” and tease a part two.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
123: Robots Are Taking Over (AI & Music + Jesus vs. Culture)
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
On episode one hundred and twenty three of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim realize they blew right past their five year anniversary and get a little nostalgic about their poor choice in hair styles years back. Tim drops a bomb on Matt when he plays an AI generated metal song that sounds similar to August Burns Red. The guys talk about the advancements of AI in the music industry and balance pros and cons. Then they come in hot with the topic of Jesus versus Culture, as Tim reads a list of familiar cultural beliefs that contradict the teachings of Jesus.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
122: What Is Him? (Better Than You Think + Wait on the Lord)
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
Tuesday Apr 09, 2024
On episode one hundred and twenty two of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim power through various sporadic interruptions and still manage to have a fun and memorable conversation. Matt, recording from the city of love (Paris, France) talks a little bit about the European tour and the trip he has planned with his wife and baby daughter. This kicks off a tangent about travel and how worthwhile it can be. The drum topic “hits on” the idea that you’re a better musician than you may think you are. Matt then tees up the faith topic of “waiting on the Lord”. Tim breaks down the phrase and the duo proceed to analyze the meaning and how it applies to life.

Monday Mar 25, 2024
121: Room For Improvement (Show Your Cards + Contemplating Easter)
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
On episode one hundred and twenty one of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt records from Bristol England and talks about the current European tour. Tim shares about his new baby girl and the changes in life that have come as a result. Then the guys dive into their drum topic about “showing your cards”. Matt makes reference to a recent experience where requested a drum lesson even as a seasoned pro. Tim approaches it from the perspective of a content creator who has forgotten the time and effort behind the published end result. They close the topic with a fun exercise. Finally, with Easter quickly approaching, the guys decide to discuss Easter; the traditions, the message, the meaning, and ultimately how it changes our fate.

Sunday Mar 10, 2024
120: Are You Not Entertained? (5 Friendly Reminders + Lead By Example)
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
On episode one hundred and twenty of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt talks about his recent experience on the Emo’s Not Dead cruise and tells some tales from the voyage. Tim talks about life in limbo, as he and his wife await the arrival of their third child. Next, the guys hit on five “friendly reminders” for drummers (though many apply to musicians in general). Then Tim kicks off the topic of "leading by example" after recent instances (brought on by parenting) got him thinking. Matt references Gladiator (which is something he’s never done before) and sheds a different light on the conversation.

Sunday Feb 25, 2024
119: Dude, We Got Deep (Play For Yourself + 8 Minutes)
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
On episode one hundred and nineteen of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim chuckle about a funny moment Matt had with a friend/drum student and Matt inadvertently tees up one of their topics by talking about enjoying some time with his wife instead of focusing on some important tasks. Matt talks a little about the Emo’s Not Dead cruise that August Burns Red is about to embark on, then transitions into the drum topic about playing drums for yourself first, before playing for anyone else’s approval. Tim chimes in with a recent thought about what “the dream” is for himself as an artist/musician in 2024. Then, Tim gets deep and talks about an idea that someone in distress only needs 8 minutes of undivided attention from a friend to feel a little better. Tim opens up about a difficult situation he’s been struggling with and Matt lends some great perspective.

Saturday Feb 10, 2024
118: Hoobastank (Good Old Days + What's Your Reason?)
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
On episode one hundred and eighteen of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim randomly talk about how being more “disagreeable” or “strong-willed” can benefit you in many cases, and Matt shares a lesson on double bass that he learned. Tim gives Matt a hard time for not watching a video he sent and tees up the drum topic by talking about a recent drum cover he did for his friend’s birthday. The guys talk about finding the reason for playing (and continuing to play) drums. They round out the episode by exploring the rather deep topic of the “Good Old Days”. What made those days good? Would it be the same if you knew they were the good old days when you were living them?

Thursday Jan 25, 2024
117: Laps (You Are the Instrument + Calling)
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
On episode one hundred and seventeen of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt throws out a challenging hypothetical scenario and Tim shares his thoughts about seasons and how quickly life can change. The guys swiftly transition into their drum topic focused around the idea of the most important part of the drums being YOU, the drummer, and how that translates to the approach. Finally, Matt shares about a men’s retreat he attended recently and the topic of identifying your calling through three simple indicators- Talent, Opportunity, and Passion.

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
116: Carried Away In Dance (Starting Drumming + Resolutions)
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
On episode one hundred and sixteen of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt kicks off the first episode of the new year with a story about getting booed on stage during his drum solo. After a brief tangent about Tim’s new IEMs, the guys proceed to address new drummers (and/or drummers who would like to get back into drumming this year) with advice on how to succeed and stick with it. Tim transitions topics by sharing his New Years resolution while in the same breath, expressing his disdain for the idea of waiting for the first of the year to “start fresh”. Then Matt opens up about a bad habit he worked to break.

Sunday Dec 24, 2023
115: Something Bigger (Thank You Drummers + Christmas Memories)
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
On episode one hundred and fifteen of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt gets excited about Christmas and starts drinking olive juice straight from the jar and shares a magical moment that happened while recapping the most recent tour. The guys talk about the many, many Christmas services that happen at churches in the area and refocus on what's important during the holiday. Then they spend some time applauding the drummers who have volunteered or devoted their time to preparing and leading at church Christmas services. This turns into a motivational conversation around taking a step forward and being bold. Tim asks what Matt's least favorite Christmas song to play is, and they head into their next topic of "Christmas memories". Matt challenges Tim to share an awkward Christmas memory then proceeds to carry (and drop) the weight of the conversation. The episode finishes out with a couple messages from HGN listeners. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Matt and Tim!