Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
On episode ninety nine of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt finds himself recording from the back of the bus while the rest of the band and crew are asleep. The guys tease the fast approaching 100th episode and make their way into their drum topic; discussing the unique relationships between drummers and other musicians. Tim heads down the topic path of “how to work God in” to your life/schedule, only to be struck by the realization/revelation that the very concept of the topic puts God in a box.
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
98: Forsaken (Misconceptions + Easter)
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
On episode ninety eight of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim hit all expectations by ranting for a bit to kick things off. They head into their drum topic and shares some laughs while listing a number of common misconceptions around drumming. Being that they're recording on Good Friday, they dig into the topic of Easter. Tim talks through his thought process on the gravity of Jesus being separated from the Father while being crucified. They land on the simple idea of how to say, "thank you."
Friday Mar 24, 2023
97: The Last Word (Things I Wish I Knew + Loyalty)
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
On episode ninety seven of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt talks about August Burns Red’s new release, Death Below, and Tim realizes that he always has to have the final word. The guys talk about a few things they would tell their younger drummer selves if they had the opportunity, and then venture into the listener-requested topic of loyalty. Tim plays devil’s advocate and presents a number of hypotheticals while Matt grounds the conversation with some spiritual truths.
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
96: All The Small Things (Warming Up + The Little Things)
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
On episode ninety six of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt talks about the ABR 20th Anniversary tour as they near the end of the first leg and Tim talks about his change of location amid moving out of his house. The guys start by tackling the topic of warming up, which they surprisingly hadn’t really covered in a prior episode, and challenge the common understanding of what a drum warm up should be. Then they hit the ground running into the topic of the little things; and how more care and attention should be put into the moments or choices that don’t seem as important when compared to other things in life.
Friday Feb 24, 2023
95: Reality Check (Constant vs. Variable + Read the Bible)
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
On episode ninety five of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt finds himself, once again, recording from a hotel lobby on his day off from tour. The guys catch up and then revisit their previous episode topic after reading some listener responses. Matt presents the topic of drumming as a constant vs. a variable and Tim shares his perspective as a drum hobbyist and dad with young kids. They progress into their topic of “read the Bible”, and challenge themselves while discussing the value of this foundational practice.
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
94: We Need Help (Preparing for Tour + Counseling/Therapy)
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
On episode ninety four of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt talks about the upcoming tour and filming the music video for August Burns Red’s new single, Backfire. Just as exciting, Tim talks about his recent cooking adventures and the price of eggs. The guys jump into their topic about preparing for a tour and it takes a sentimental turn, then pivot to the topic of counseling and therapy. Tim expresses his distaste for the negative stigma around asking for help, which leads to a discussion shedding light on both sides of the argument.
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
93: Judgemental Tim (Comfort Zone + Comfort Zone)
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
On episode ninety three of Holy Ghost Notes, Tim talks about getting back behind the drum kit for a worship service for the first time in almost 6 years, and proposes a hypothetical question to Matt. This leads them into the topic of stepping out of your drumming comfort zone. The guys then follow a similar trajectory and Tim recognizes his own shortfalls while taking the same topic of the “comfort zone” and applying it to life and spiritual growth.
Monday Jan 09, 2023
92: Things Are Changing For Me! (Drum Heroes + Words of the Year)
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
On episode ninety two of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim kick off the first episode of the year by talking about how they spent their holidays, recommending games, and chuckling about Jake’s viral Gretzky encounter video. They jump into their drum topic centered around their “drum heroes” or drummers they have idolized/looked up to and Tim catches Matt off guard. The guys proceed with their faith topic, summing up their year in 2022 with a singular word and assigning a new word to 2023.
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
91: Dreamin’ of a Gray Christmas (with Adam Gray)
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
Saturday Dec 24, 2022
On episode ninety one of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt and Tim finish out the year with their pal, and semi-frequent guest, Adam Gray. The guys catch up a bit and share some laughs. Adam talks about the humble beginnings and ultimate demise of his band, Texas in July, and hints at some upcoming activity. Then he shares a little about what he’s been up to and opens up about overcoming his physical and mental struggles over the past few years, what he’s learned in his deliberate solitude, and his appreciation for the simple things. Through many a laugh and inspiring tale, we hope this episode bring you joy this Christmas! From Matt, Tim, and Adam - Merry Christmas!
Friday Dec 09, 2022
90: Growth and Perspective (First Kit + Church Hurt)
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
On episode ninety of Holy Ghost Notes, Matt talks about returning home from his European tour and summarizes his time on the road and Tim derails the conversation to stress the value of the business side of music. The guys quickly share a little bit about what this Christmas season looks like for each of them and then head into their drum topic; comparing how they approached drumming on their very first drum kits to how they approach drumming now. Then, Matt and Tim talk about being hurt by the church, the perspective they’ve gained through all of it, and the drive to maintain that perspective while continuing to seek the truth.